Our main office is located in Hayward, Wisconsin. The office is in the lower level of the building and the phone number is (715) 634-3000.  The office is open Monday through Friday from 8am to 4pm, closed for lunch each day from 12 to 12:30. We have a policy that when the Hayward School system closes due to inclement weather conditions, we also close the Main Office as well as all meal sites. When closed we don’t run the bus or serve Congregate Lunches or make Meals On Wheels deliveries.

Lunch is served daily at the Hayward, Exeland and Stone Lake Meal Sites. Lunch is served at Spider Lake twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. Meal menus can be found here – Menu(s). In order to provide enough food for everyone without left over waste we kindly ask that you call and make lunch reservations no later than 9am the day of the meal – calling the day before would be preferred. The kitchen phone numbers for each site are listed below.


Hayward, WI

Hayward Location
15856 E Fifth St.
Hayward, WI 54843
Phone: (715)634-4680

The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 4 PM
Lunch Served: 12:00 noon Monday-Friday Menu(s)
Site Manager/Nutrition Director: Barb Applebee
Head Cook: Ed Kline


Executive Director
Wenonah “Joey” Johnson
Reception / Administration and General Information Inquiries
Shirley Kauffman and Judy Burrows
Nutrition Director/Hayward Site Manager
Barb Applebee
Health Promotions, Training and Respite
Jodi Olney
Bus Manager
Bob Johnson, Kerry Petersen
Bingo Manager
Dick Langton, Joey Johnson

Winter Area/Exeland, WI 

946 N Washington Ave. Suite 1
Exeland, WI 54835
Phone: (715) 943-2990

The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 3 PM
Lunch Served: 12:00 noon Monday-Friday Menu(s)

Site Manager: Heather Grinnell

Kitchen Assistant: Liora Johnson

Note: Meals on Wheels and Carry Out Meals delivered to Winter

Spider Lake – Hayward, WI 

Located in the Spider Lake Church
12104N Lower Twin Lake Rd.
Hayward, WI 54843
Phone: (715) 634-4680 (reservations taken at Hayward)

Lunch Served: 12:00 noon Monday and Thursday Menu(s)

Site Supervisor: Barb Applebee

Stone Lake 

5878 N. Gibson St.
Stone Lake, WI 54876
Phone: (715) 865-2025

The Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 3 PM
Breakfast Served:  8-10 AM
Lunch Served: 12:00 noon Monday-Friday. Menu(s)

Site Manager: Job Opportunity